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The esales plug-in is not activated in the standard TSM-Package but can be optionally licenced. Esales enables reading and saving of time series from esales. After enabling the esales plug-in, an additional tab, which is named “esales Linie”, appears in the TSM mask. By clicking on “esales Linie”,  the following fields and options appear:


In order to be able to read or save data, you have to be logged in. The user name and password for Robotron esales has to be filled in and the button “Login” has to be pressed. A successful login changes the status message to “successful logged in”. 

Reading Time Series Values to Excel

There are two possibilities to read time series values from esales:

  1. On the one side, users can search vie the TSM-Search function directly on the esales system for time series and select these for reading to excel.
  2. On the other side, the read time series can be saved in Excel as template and updated later on via the TSM.

Checkbox “Implausible Values as Missing”

If this checkbox is activated time series are scanned for implausible values. Found values are marked red when read to a KISS-A template.

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