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Intervals and Raster

Data can be available in different grids (or in case of acyclic time series also without a fixed grid). HAKOM TSM takes care of this fact in a dual time series interval and query raster concept. This page will show you how.

Data Interval

An interval in HAKOM TSM consists of an interval unit (such as second, minute, hour, day etc.) and an interval length (number of interval units between two timestamps) and defines in which cyclicity data are available on a time series. For example a 15 minute interval can be mapped as interval unit "minute" and interval length "15". 

For spontaneous / acyclic time series, without a fixed interval, the interval unit "No" can be used. In this case, data is stored when it is available, without a fixed grid.

Learn more about how cyclical and non-cyclical intervals behave here: Spontaneous Time Series

Implicit Interval Conversion

HAKOM TSM handles the conversion of input data to the interval of the desired time series by analyzing the intervals of both (input and target data). Thus the time series interval defines the highest resolution in which data can be stored lossless to a time series.

To learn more about how conversion between different intervals and units works, visit here: Units and Aggregation Rules.

Supported Intervals

The following interval units are currently available:

  • No
  • Second
  • Minute
  • Hour
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Year
  • Millisecond*

* Interval unit millisecond is only available in a database configured for milliseconds.

Input and Output Raster

The raster provides a fixed interval for the output and input of time series data. Thus a raster is always defined by an interval unit and the respective interval length. In addition to the interval units listed above, the total sum of all time series data over the selected time range is also available for data queries with the interval unit "Total".

Raster-Codes in EvalComponents

Besides intervals HAKOM TSM also supports some standard rasters, which can be used in formula functions (see formula - mFormulaTimeSeriesDefinition.Interval):


Raster length


Template (=as defined on the Excel Template)

1Second (in case of a miliseconds DB the value 1000 must be used)
60Minute (in case of a miliseconds DB the value 60000 must be used)
-1Quarter Hour
-2Half Hour
-10Half Year

Time series data are always queried in their original intervals, unless otherwise specified. (Note: the TSM App always defines a query raster).


Output raster is calculated starting from the from date specified in your request and will be rolled out accordingly.

I.e. if the starting point (from date) does not intersect with any data point of the underlying time series data, the output raster will have a proportional time shift to the previous existing real data point.


We have a daily rastered time series with following data:

10.12.2020 00:0011.12.2020 00:0050,000Valid
11.12.2020 00:0012.12.2020 00:00100,000Valid
12.12.2020 00:0013.12.2020 00:000,000Missing

When requesting the data with interval Day starting from 10.12.2020 00:00 (intersecting with a real existing time stamp on the time series) the resulting output will be on exactly the same raster as the underlying data:

10.12.2020 00:0011.12.2020 00:0050,000Valid
11.12.2020 00:0012.12.2020 00:00100,000Valid

To the contrary, when requesting the same data with the same interval, but with a starting point not intersecting with a real existing time stamp on the underlying time series (e.g. 10.12.2020 12:00) the raster will be shifted accordingly (by 12 hours in our example):

10.12.2020 12:0011.12.2020 12:0075,000Valid
11.12.2020 12:0012.12.2020 12:0050,000Missing

We recommend the following videos under Video Tutorials:

  • Aggregation
  • Behaviour of Flags During Data Aggregation
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