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Automation Plug-in

In the following table all available settings for the Automation plug-in are descripted.

They are located under following base path in the XML structure of HAKOM.config: //HAKOMConfiguration/products/Batch/settings

TagDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
<LogConnection>If <Tracelevel> is not 0, the name of the data base connection for logging has to be specified.emptyString

Following trace levels are available:

  • 0 -> Off. Output no tracing messages.
  • 1 -> Error. Output error messages.
  • 2 -> Warning. Output warning and error messages.
  • 3 -> Info. Output process start, process end, warning and error messages.
  • 4 -> Verbose. Output all informational, warning and error messages.

If <LogConnection> is empty the default value is 0

If <LogConnection> is not empty the default value is 4



Controls whether the name of the worksheet should precede the file name.falseBoolean
<DontIncrementStartDateAfterError>Controls wether after an unsuccessful run, the time stamp should be incremented or not.falseBoolean
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