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Configuration File HAKOM.Config

In Addition to settings relating to databases or general behavour, specific application apperance and behavour such as language, activating plug-ins, etc. are available.  The following describes those settings in detail.

The file is found in the installation directory of the Time Series Manager.

In order for TSM to find and store time series data, either a database connection or a connection to a webservice instance must be configured.

Database Connections

When connecting directly to a database (such as Oracle, PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server) the minimum requirement for using the Time Series Manager is at least one database connection holding actual time series data (HAKOM_TSM).

There must also be exactly one connection configured, which holds authentication and authorization settings (HAKOM_ACL).

You may, of course, configure multiple HAKOM_TSM schemas. These will then be listed in the "Repository" drop-down list in the Time Series plug-in after selecting "PowerTSM Database" as a data source (assuming that the logged in user has the necessary rights configured in the HAKOM_ACL schema)

More detailed information is available here: Configuration

HTTP Connections

Starting with version 3.10.0 of the TSM App, it's also possible to connect to a webservice for accessing time series data. Details on how to configure HTTP connections for use with the TSM App can be found here: Configuration

Each configured HTTP connection will then show up in the "Data source" drop-down list. Note that you may be required to enter credentials before being able to access the list of repositories available from any particular HTTP connection.

TSM App Settings

In the following table all available general settings for the HAKOM TSM App are descripted.

They are located under following base path in the XML structure of HAKOM.config: //HAKOMConfiguration/products/TSM/settings

TagDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values


Controls the language of the user interface for the TSM.Display language of the operating system
<LanguageSpecific lang="xx-XX">

See Language Specific Settings


Used for language independent validation of Excel templates.

Cells to validate can be configured as tags with their valid values.



If the tag TemplateValidation does not exist, templates will be validated depending on the configured language.

If the tag TemplateValidation is empty, no validation is done.

This setting supports the attribute "Extend" . For more information, please refer to the chapter "Advanced Settings"

  • A17:
    • von
    • from
  • B17:
    • bis
    • to

Control if the task progress window stays opened after processing is finished. If an error occurs during processing the window stays openend anyway.


Controls the default value of checkboxes "all sheets" ("Update" and "Save" sections).


Controls the visibility of the checkbox "all sheets" ("Update" section).


Controls the default value of the checkbox "all sheets" ("Update" section).


Controls the visibility of the checkbox "all sheets" ("Save" section).

<AllSheetsSaveChecked>Controls the default value of the checkbox "all sheets" ("Save" section).falseBoolean

Controls the visibility of the checkbox "period from template".

<DatesAndRasterFromTemplateChecked>Controls the default value of the checkbox "period from template".falseBoolean

Controls the default value of the time-checkbox at "Update" section.


Controls the default value of time if the time-checkbox is unchecked.

00:00:00ISO 8601 time format: [hh]:[mm]:[ss]
<DayStartActive>Controls the default value of time if the time-checkbox is checked.Value of <DayStart>ISO 8601 time format: [hh]:[mm]:[ss]
<AdaptFactor>Adapt factor for roll out.100Double
<DescendingChecked>Controls the default value of the checkbox "descending".falseBoolean
<MissingEmptyChecked>Controls the default value of the checkbox "missing as null".falseBoolean

Controls the visibility of the checkbox "roll out" and the corresponding button.


Controls the default value of the checkbox "roll out".


Controls the visibility of the checkbox "all values valid".

<StateValidChecked>Controls the default value of the checkbox "all values valid".falseBoolean

Controls if SpreadsheetGear will be used for calculations of Excel formulas.

This setting applies to the TSM SOAP Service for reading and calculating saved templates.


Defines the available plug-ins, which will be loaded at start-up of TSM.

Further it can be configured, under which drop-down button the plug-in will be added.

To achieve this, the plug-in-tag has to be added to one of the following tags:

  • <Automation> - The plug-in will be available under "Automation".
  • <Administration> - The plug-in will be available under "Administration".
  • <Extension> - The plug-in will be available under "Extensions".

If the plug-in won't be added to one of those tags, then the plug-in will be available under "Extensions".

This setting supports the attribute "Extend" . For more information, please refer to the chapter "Advanced Settings"

see <Plugin>

see <PluginRedirects>




A plug-in has to be defined according to the following format:

<Plugin File="Name_of_the_DLL.dll" />
  • Time Series Plugin

Under "Administration":

  • Master Data Administration
  • Master Data Import/Export

<Plugin File="HAKOM.TSM.CalendarCreatorPlugin.dll" /> activates the Calendar Plug-in

<Plugin File="HAKOM.TSM.UserManagementPlugin.dll" /> activates the User Management Plug-in

<Plugin File="HAKOM.TSM.esales.dll"> activates the esales Plug-in

<Plugin File="HAKOM.TSM.LogMonitor.dll" /> activates the Log Monitor

<Plugin File="HAKOM.TSM.Batch.dll" /> activates the Automation Plug-in


For language independent allocation of plug-ins, it is possible to configure a redirection. These redirections have to be listed here.

This setting supports the attribute "Extend" . For more information, please refer to the chapter "Advanced Settings"

see <PluginRedirect><PluginRedirect>

A redirect has to be defined according to the following format:

<PluginRedirect Source="KalendarCreator" Target="Calendar" />

A source may not map to two different targets.


Controls if saving to database will be done in parallel threads.


Controls if additional information in the comment area (row 2 till row 8) will be set.

<KISSAImportPlugIn>Name of the plug-in to be used for processing a KISS-A template.
<KISSAImportConnection>Database connection to be used for processing a KISS-A template.

Defines which processing information during view of TSM Visuals diagrams will be logged.

In verbose mode in addition to all messages the input and ouput data will be logged as well.


0 till 4


Defines the path, where processing information during view of TSM Visuals diagrams will be saved.


Controls if source data, e.g. of formula time series, will be always transfered to TSM Visuals.

<VisPloreLightStartWithConsole>Determines whether the console window should be opened when starting the visuals.falseBoolean
<VisploreCanHandleDataEdits>Defines, if the button to apply changes to time series data is visible in the TSM Visuals.falseBoolean

Defines the maximum number of parallel threads when reading and saving data as well as importing and exporting master data.


Controls if only TSM Visuals will be displayed in the ribbon menu and all other controls will be hidden.


A custom resource DLL file can be configured to change the icon, graphic and splash screen of TSM.


List of settings on how flags should be displayed in the context menu


                        <FlagName Flag="5">5 manually replaced</FlagName>
                        <FlagName Flag="7">7 faulty</FlagName>
                        <FlagName Flag="9">9 valid</FlagName>
                        <FlagName Flag="19">19 missing</FlagName>
                        <FlagName Flag="20">20 accounted</FlagName>
                        <FlagName Flag="21">21 estimated</FlagName>
                        <FlagName Flag="12">12 schedule</FlagName>
If these are not set in the HAKOM.Config, the default values for the TSM's set language are used.

Determins if flags are shown 

  • always (2)
  • only when the sheet is recognized as a valid TSM template (1)
  • never (0)
1Integer, 0-2

Configures which values can be used to control if a column in the sheet should be written to the data base, updated from the data base or ignored.


                  <Value>nicht lesen</Value>
                  <Value>don't read</Value>
                  <Value>nicht speichern</Value>
                  <Value>don't save</Value>

This setting supports the attribute "Extend" . For more information, please refer to the chapter "Advanced Settings"

  • Not reading:
    • nicht lesen
    • don't read
  • Not saving:
    • nicht speichern
    • don't save
  • Ignore:
    • ignorieren
    • ignore
<SetCellEmptyIfValueIsNaN>Controls wether values read which do not evaluate to a valid number (i.e division by zero, etc.) should result in an empty cellfalseBoolean
<AskBeforeSaving>Determines whether an additional confirmation is required to save datafalseBoolean

Contains the diagrams of the TSM Visuals, which shall be displayed by the Visuals ribbon.

<Diagram Name="Unique_Name" DisplayName="Display name" />
see <Diagram><Diagram>-Tags

Defines a diagram that shall be displayed by the Visuals ribbon.

A diagram has to be defined according to the following format:

<Diagram Name="Unique_Name"
         File="diagram identifier"
InteractiveTSDashboardInteractive TS Dashboard
StructureAnalysisStructure Analysis
CorrelationAnalysisCorrelation Analysis
ConditionOverviewCondition Overview
PivotSummaryPivot Summary
PatternSearchAndComparisonPattern Search and Comparison
TimeSeriesDiversityTime Series Diversity
DependencyAnalysisDependency Analysis
MultivariateRegressionMultivariate Regression
DeviationMonitorDeviation Monitor
ForecastComparisonForecast Comparison

The Available attribute of all diagrams is set to "true" by default.

The IncludeSourceData attribute of all diagrams is set to "false" by default.

The DisplayName of the diagrams can be found in the table under Tag <LanguageSpecific>

<ShowErrorsOnWorksheetRightClick>Controls whether error messages that may occur when right-clicking in Excel should be displayed or suppressed.falseBoolean
<VisploreSenderPortRange>Defines the range of ports that can be used to transmit data from TSM to Visuals.51101-51500Integer Range
<VisploreReceiverPortRange>Defines the range of ports that can be used to transmit data from Visuals to TSM.52101-52500Integer Range

Controls whether or not formulas contained in a template will be updated if the time period in the template is changed.

If the setting is true, changes to the time period are automatically taken into account in all corresponding Excel formulas.

With the setting as false, affected formulas are not automatically adjusted. When adding rows, this can lead to existing contents in the template being overwritten.

It is possible to overwrite the setting defined in the HAKOM.Config by creating a Defined Name with the name of the setting and the desired value true/false.

The hierarchy of application is as follows:

  1. Defined Names in worksheet
  2. Defined Names in workbook
  3. HAKOM.Config

Language Specific Settings

In the follwing table descripted language specific settings are located under following base path in the XML structure of HAKOM.config: //HAKOMConfiguration/products/TSM/settings/LanguageSpecific

The attribute "lang" specifies the language for which these settings apply. Possible values are: "de-DE", "en-US" and "ru-RU". 

TagDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
<Templates>This tag may contain multiple <Template> tags.see <Template><Template>-Tags

Path to templates used for opening new workbooks or new worksheets.

The configuration of several templates is possible.

<Template Name="Default template">..\Data\en\Data.xlsx</Template>

This setting supports the attribute "Extend" . For more information, please refer to the chapter "Advanced Settings"

  • ..\Data\en\Data.xlsx
  • ..\Data\en\Data_Milliseconds.xlsx
    (if milliseconds are activated)

Defines the preselected value of the drop-down list "Interval" of the TSM-mask.

1hName of a <Raster> tag
<DefaultPagingRaster>Controls the default value of the interval drop-down list for back and ahead navigation in the ribbon menu.TemplateName of a <Raster> tag
<DefaultUnit>Defines the preselected value of the drop-down list "Unit" of the TSM-mask.DBValue of attributes "Work" or "Power" from <Unit> tag.

Defines the items of the drop-down list "Unit" of the TSM-mask.

This setting supports the attribute "Extend" . For more information, please refer to the chapter "Advanced Settings"

see <Unit><Unit>-Tags

Defines an item of the drop-down list "Unit" of the TSM-mask.

A unit has to be defined according to the following format:

<Unit Work="kWh" Power="kW" />





Defines the items of the drop-down list "Interval" of the TSM-mask.

This setting supports the attribute "Extend" . For more information, please refer to the chapter "Advanced Settings"

see <Raster><Raster>-Tags

Defines an item of the drop-down list "Interval" of the TSM-mask.

An interval has to be defined according to the following format:

<Raster Name="1sec" ID="1" />

The listed negative IDs are available as options for intervals. If a positive ID is used, then this value is interpreted as seconds and in this manner it is possible to freely define intervals in the HAKOM.Config.

Here is an example of a five-minute interval:

<Raster Name="5 Minutes" ID="300" />

When using milliseconds, this functionality is also available. However, please note that the value specified under ID is interpreted as milliseconds.

The above example would look like this if milliseconds were used:

<Raster Name="5 Minutes" ID="300000" />
Half a year-10

If milliseconds are activated, the following intervals are used instead of 1sec and 1min:



Defines the path of the export-template for master data export.


Using the tag <VisploreDiagrams> within <LanguageSpecific>, the display name of the diagrams can be changed specifically for that language.

see <Diagram><Diagram>-Tags

With the following entry the display name of a diagram can be changed:

<Diagram Name="Unique_name" DisplayName="Displayname" />

Interactive TS Dashboard


Structure Analysis


Correlation Analysis


Pivot Summary


Condition Overview


Pattern Search and Comparison


Time Series Diversity


Dependency Analysis


Multivariate Regression


Deviation Monitor


Forecast Comparison

Advanced Settings

Configuration of List Entries


For the settings of the TSM App, default values are provided. Default values can be overridden by simply entering the respective tag with the desired value in the HAKOM.config.

To make it more comfortable with list entries, you can specify if you want to replace or extend the default list by means of an optional attribute "Extend".

For following settings the attribute "Extend" is available:

  • Units
  • Rasters
  • Plugins
  • PluginRedirects
  • TemplateValidation
  • Templates
  • ValidControllInsructions

The usage of the "Extend" attribute is shown below using the example of the "Unit" drop-down list of the TSM app.

The selection list has the following units for selection by default:

This drop-down list can be edited via the setting <Units> (the units "template", "DB" and "none" are implemented separately).

If this list is to be replaced, the following entry must be made in the HAKOM.Config:

				<LanguageSpecific lang="en">
					<Units Extend="false"> <!-- Extend="false" specifies that the default values of the list should be replaced by the following ones. -->
						<Unit Work="NewUnit" Power="NewPower" />

After a restart the drop-down list looks like this:

As you can see, the default values are no longer included.

If the list is to be extended, the following entry must be made in HAKOM.Config:

<Units Extend="true"> <!-- Extend="true" specifies that the drop-down list should be expanded by the following values. -->
	<Unit Work="NeueUnit" Power="NeuePower" />

After a restart the drop-down list looks like this:

As you can see, the default values and the specified values are included in the list.

Support of Milliseconds

To activate time series with intervals less than one second, the setting "InternalTimeUnit" must be added or adjusted. More Information regarding this you find here: Configuration

Raster Adjustment

In order to display the raster correctly in the user interface of the TSM App, the settings under <Rasters> must also be adjusted:

        <LanguageSpecific lang="de-DE">
            <Raster Name="1ms" ID="1" />
            <Raster Name="10ms" ID="10" />
            <Raster Name="100ms" ID="100" />
            <Raster Name="1sec" ID="1000" />
            <Raster Name="1min" ID="60000" />

(warning)This setting must be made explicitly for each language to be supported (e.g. "en-GB", "ru-RU").

Plug-in specific Configuration

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