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Health Checks


WebTSM Services offer health checks to evaluate the status of your service based on criteria some of which are configurable.

This page explains the configuration options pertaining to health checks. For information on how to use the health checks or interpret the responses please refer to the relevant documentation: Using WebTSM Service Health Checks


Settings concerning WebTSM Services health checks are located here in the HAKOM.Config:

				<!-- Settings -->

The following settings provide options for configuring the health checks of a service:

ElementDescriptionDefault Value
DegradedMemoryAllocationLimitIf the configured limit is exceeded, the status of the service will be "Degraded".unlimited (bytes)
UnhealthyMemoryAllocationLimitIf the configured limit is exceeded, the status of the service will be "Unhealthy".unlimited (bytes)


Docker itself provides the functionality to execute health checks for dockerized deployments of HAKOM WebTSM Services. In order to use this feature it is necessary to create a separate image based on the HAKOM WebTSM image:

from webtsmservices

HEALTHCHECK --interval=45s --timeout=4s CMD curl -f http://localhost/api/health/ready || exit 1

The path provided for the parameter -f has to be identical to the path configured in the HAKOM.Config. The other parameters "interval" and "timeout" can of course be configured to fit the specific requirements of the service.

For more information about Docker health checks please refer to:

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