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Time Series Plug-in

In the following table all available general settings for the Time Series plug-in are descripted.

They are located under following base path in the XML structure of HAKOM.config: //HAKOMConfiguration/products/TSM/settings

TagDescriptionDefault Value(s)Possible Values

Controls the default value of number of changes for "Audit" and number of versions for "Quotations".


Controls the visibility of section "Category aggregate of time series".


Defines the name and formual of ad-hoc formulas.

Ad-hoc formulas have to be configured as tags with following format:

	<adHocCalculation Name="Min" Formula="AggregateMin([this], |TargetRaster|)" />

This setting supports the attribute "Extend". For more information, please refer to the chapter "Advanced Settings" on this page: TSM App 

  • Min
  • Max
  • Sum
  • Avg
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