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Define Time Series

Definition of a New Time Series

A time series object in HAKOM TSM is defined by the following properties: 

  • ID and Name: unique identification of the time series
  • Type: period type (cyclic or acyclic) and alignment of the values relative to the time axis (left- or right-aligned) - see Time Series Types in Comparison
  • Interval and Interval Length: basic raster for data persistence - here you should always select the highest resolution necessary - see Intervals and Raster
  • Unit: for conversions and aggregations - see Units and Aggregation Rules
  • Description: additional text for organization and search
  • Formula (optional): calculation formula which is evaluated in runtime - see Formulas and Time Series

Further categorizations and extensions of the data model are possible using attributes – see Attributes and Time Series.


Time series can be linked to other time series using formulas through a rich set of predefined and extensible functions. TSM App supports the development of formula functions by a formula editor with IntelliSense support:

More details see Formulas and Time Series.

The Minimum Definition

At least the following properties are needed to store a time series in TSM App:

  • Name
  • Type 
  • Interval 
  • Unit 

In the WebTSM Services API all other properties of the /timeseries request body can be omitted:

    "Name": "MyFirstTimeSeries",
    "Type": 2,
    "Interval": {
        "Value": "Minute",
        "Multiplier": 15
    "Unit": "KWh"

Advanced Definition and Control Options

Dimension and compression options:


In TSM App these options are available in Time Series Search - Edit tab -  under Standard radio button. In WebTSMServices API the underlying options are part of the time series definition body.

Advanced definition parameters:

  • Set time zone - see Working with Time Zones
  • Set aggregation rule - see Units and Aggregation Rules
  • Set year start and start time (to display the beginning of a gas year - from October to October - or to display the beginning of a gas day - from 06:00 to 06:00)


In TSM App these options are available in Time Series Search - Edit tab -  under Advanced expandable menu. In WebTSMServices API the underlying options are part of the time series definition body.

Create a New Time Series

New time series can be created in TSM App or WebTSM Services API.

TSM App:

  1. Click on Load in the TSM Ribbon
  2. Press the Search... button in the Time series area of the TSM window
  3. Select the Edit tab in the Time Series Search window
  4. Enter name, type, interval and unit, if necessary formula
  5. Press the Save button


In order to select the time series immediately after the creation in Time Series Search, the Save button drop-down menu Save and Select can be used:

WebTSM Services API

  • Create single time series: POST /repositories/:reposiory/timeseries

  • Create multiple time series in bulk: POST /repositories/:reposiory/timeseriescollections/definition   
More about the WebTSM Services API can be found here: Open API Reference

We recommend the following videos under Video Tutorials:

  • Introducing the HAKOM TSM
  • Introducung Postman & hosting the services
  • Creating Time Series

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